Émilie & Denver

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The promise of a new beginning for a pretty paint horse provided our introduction to Émilie. With a patient hand and Heath's support, Émilie has reinstated her colt’s self-confidence and erased the legacy of his early education.

I got a new horse, a 3yr old baby and have been looking for somebody to help get my horse the best beginning in life and make sure he grows into a happy, responsive horse. He was initially very head shy and would not let anyone pat his shoulder and head. I heard about Heath's holistic approach to horses and was keen to have a few sessions with him!

Heath is a natural and has this instant connection with horses. It is fascinating watching this silent language between man and horse, this unquestionable rapport following a few circles in the round yard, when the horse becomes so focused on the man. Ears turning to Heath, chewing happening and the “lock on” request from our horse. Ready to cooperate, ready to please. Heath is amazing, he gets this youngster so attentive and willing. Truly a pleasure to watch and leaving me eager to learn more and get to this stage of horsemanship.

- Émilie V, Student

Heath Porteous