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Educational equality is the key to longevity of learning in horsemanship. 

At Hitch in ya' Giddy Up, we're all about creating lasting educational opportunities to unlock the potential of your equine partnership. Choose a path to better the relationship with your horse. 


01. Private lessons

Offering tailored coaching for horse and rider, our private lessons provide adaptable & practical learning for the advancement of your equine partnership. Restoring confidence through knowledge we prepare you for a sustainable and independent pursuit of your equestrian ambitions. 


Our 1st Principles Clinic is suitable for novice through to intermediate partnerships and forges the connection between groundwork and ridden work; inspiring you to inject purpose into all interactions with your horse to make every minute count.

03. equine education

Our approach to horsemanship promotes sustainable progression for both horse and rider. To aid this development, we take a limited number of horses each year for education; ranging from youngsters verging on their career under saddle to older horses requiring restoration of a forgotten foundation.



Our educational philosophy is founded on mutual respect and understanding; treating the horse and human in equal parts. This balance promotes longevity of learning and encourages an equal distribution of responsibility between horse and human. Our teaching focusses on positive reinforcement knowing the success of any learning for horse or human is directly limited by its delivery.